A Conversation About Skateboarding That Will Make You Feel Alive - HATE, LOVE, AND BALANCE

Описание к видео A Conversation About Skateboarding That Will Make You Feel Alive - HATE, LOVE, AND BALANCE

We are humans that are lucky enough to have the privilege of to ride around on a piece of wood and wheels that we take so serious whilst spinning in a mysterious universe. We take it seriously and take sides as if it is also permanent. LOVE, HATE, POSITIVE NEGATIVE it was helps the movement of energy and we are so lucky and should be so grateful that we can experience it. 
I use the metaphor of "Circus tricks" and "Nik stain" as a way to describe positive and negative energy within skateboarding trends. And how we resend to it within time and space.

With all this movement of energy, I felt something and translated it into this machine to help spread further into our consciousness the remembrance of our impermanence. To remind us to laugh and find balance. to remind us that it ain't so serious. I just let it flow out onto this machine. I'm not sure what will happen but I know that I am alive and present because I am hear with you sharing time. we may not always be here so here we are. I really hope you enjoy and I really want to have a conversation with you. I want to know how you feel about these topics. I want to use this connection tool t connect and be real and alive. Don't you want the same?


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