Nemesis Void Seeders (and Extra) Setup and Rules

Описание к видео Nemesis Void Seeders (and Extra) Setup and Rules

Let's take a look into the stretch goals box for Nemesis! In this video we're going to focus on the Void Seeder aliens, which can be used to replace the intruders from the base game. We'll also cover the turrets!

Aftermath and Void Seeders on Board Game Geek:


00:00 - Intro
01:47 - Components
04:11 - Setup
12:06 - Gameplay - Intro
13:26 - Gameplay - Intro - Slime
13:36 - Gameplay - Intro
14:03 - Gameplay - Insanity Track
16:31 - Gameplay - Encountering a Void Seeder
19:58 - Gameplay - Fighting a Void Seeder
20:59 - Gameplay - Fighting a Void Seeder - Lurker
21:33 - Gameplay - Fighting a Void Seeder - Whisperer
21:31 - Gameplay - Fighting a Void Seeder - Stalker
21:53 - Gameplay - Fighting a Void Seeder - Despoiler
22:24 - Gameplay - Fighting a Void Seeder - Killing One
22:45 - Gameplay - Void Seeder Movement
23:03 - Gameplay - Void Seeder Lairs
24:02 - Gameplay - Void Seeder Lairs - Weaknesses
24:22 - Gameplay - Void Seeder Lairs
25:00 - Gameplay - Void Seeder Lairs - Destroy a Lair
27:01 - Gameplay - Void Seeder Weaknessess
28:54 - Gameplay - Event Phase
29:17 - Gameplay - Event Phase - Lurking
30:25 - Gameplay - Event Phase - Bag Development
31:51 - Gameplay - Panic Cards
34:44 - Gameplay - End Game Contamination
37:42 - Gameplay - Void Seeders - End
37:54 - Aftermath Summary
40:01 - Turrets - Components
40:21 - Turrets - Setup
43:56 - Turrets - Gameplay
47:28 - End

Michael Dennis


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