【俄羅斯TU-22M 逆火遠程戰略轟炸機】讓美國航母聞風喪膽的轟炸機,可裝載超過5馬赫的巡航導彈,俄羅斯反航母殺手鐧,服役將近50年,雙髮變後掠翼的佈局使它最快速度可達2.3馬赫

Описание к видео 【俄羅斯TU-22M 逆火遠程戰略轟炸機】讓美國航母聞風喪膽的轟炸機,可裝載超過5馬赫的巡航導彈,俄羅斯反航母殺手鐧,服役將近50年,雙髮變後掠翼的佈局使它最快速度可達2.3馬赫

圖-22M轟炸機(俄文:Ту-22М,英文:Tu-22M,北約代號:Backfire,譯文:逆火,又稱:圖-26),是蘇聯一型超音速遠程戰略轟炸機。圖-22M轟炸機為雙髮變後掠翼佈局,名義上為圖-22的改良型,實際上是一架全新設計的超音速戰略轟炸機 。該機既可以進行戰略核轟炸,也可以進行戰術轟炸,尤其是攜帶大威力反艦導彈,遠距離快速奔襲,攻擊航空母艦編隊,部署在任何一個地方,都對戰略空間是一種巨大的威懾 。圖-22M轟炸機由蘇聯圖波列夫設計局(Туполева/Tupolev,現俄羅斯聯合航空製造集團)研製,1972年首飛,1969年至1993年間共生產了約500架,蘇聯解體後由於其維修復雜,加上俄羅斯經濟困難,於1993年停產,現有仍有約114架在俄羅斯服役。
The Tu-22M bomber (Russian: Ту-22М, English: Tu-22M, NATO code: Backfire, translation: Backfire, also known as: Tu-26), is a Soviet-type supersonic long-range strategic bomber. The Tu-22M bomber has a dual-engine variable rear-swept wing layout. It is nominally an improved version of the Tu-22. In fact, it is a newly designed supersonic strategic bomber. The aircraft can carry out strategic nuclear bombing as well as tactical bombing. In particular, it carries powerful anti-ship missiles, makes long-distance and rapid attacks, and attacks aircraft carrier formations. It is deployed in any place and is a huge deterrent to strategic space. The Tu-22M bomber was developed by the Soviet Tupolev Design Bureau (Туполева/Tupolev, now the Russian United Aviation Manufacturing Group). It flew for the first time in 1972, and a total of about 500 were produced between 1969 and 1993. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, its maintenance was complicated. In addition to Russia’s economic difficulties, production was suspended in 1993, and there are still about 114 aircraft in service in Russia.


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