1:1 ECM PCM Clone Land Rover LR3 Denso MB279700-9250 OBDSTAR NO read/write FIXED! EEPROM/INT Flash

Описание к видео 1:1 ECM PCM Clone Land Rover LR3 Denso MB279700-9250 OBDSTAR NO read/write FIXED! EEPROM/INT Flash


Tiktok- JCLLC712

1010 S. Cecelia St.
Sioux City Iowa 51106

2009 Land Rover LR3 with Denso pcm that contains a 64F7058 chip that much be read and wrote. EEPROM and INT Flash

This video shows how to locate the chip your going to be flashing, the Pinout for the pcm along with how to make the OBDStar 706 unit read when the PCM is damaged and has no power to chip.


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