5 winter outdoor activities in the Cleveland Metroparks

Описание к видео 5 winter outdoor activities in the Cleveland Metroparks

There's no reason to stay inside all winter when you live by the Cleveland Metroparks. All of these activities will help you get outside and stay physically active while having a great time.

In this video:

THE CHALET TOBOGGAN CHUTES (Mill Stream Run Reservation in Strongsville): https://clevelandmetroparks.com/parks...

Rental at The Broadway Cyclery: http://www.thebroadwaycyclery.com/
The Bedford Singletrack Mountain Bike Trails: https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/p...
You could also try the Royalview Mountain Bike Trails in the Mill Stream Run Reservation in Strongsville.
Alternatively, snow bikes could be used on the All Purpose Trail in any Cleveland Metroparks reservation.

CROSS COUNTRY SKIING: https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/p...
Cross Country Ski rental is at Big Met Golf Course in the Rocky River Reservation.
If you have your own skis, you can cross country ski on any Cleveland Metroparks trail as long as there is a 4-inch base of snow.
The Metroparks offers guided cross country skiing where a member of the outdoor recreation staff will teach you how to do it. Look for the "Try It: Cross Country Ski" event in their activities calendar: https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/p...

SNOWSHOEING: https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/p...
Snowshoe rentals are at Big Met Golf Course in the Rocky River Reservation, the Nature Center at North Chagrin Reservation and the Hinckley Lake Boathouse Store at the Hinckley Reservation.

WINTER WATERFALL HIKE: https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/p...
Also search the Metroparks calendar for "Frozen Waterfalls," which are guided hikes that take place in the winter: https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/p...

I hope you escape the indoors and experience the Metroparks in a new way this winter! - John


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