Making File Handles

Описание к видео Making File Handles

In this video I show how I made handles for my file set. The handles were made from black walnut and the ferrule was made from brass plumbing pipe.



00:007 Hi! Welcome to the shop. I've had this set of Nicholson files for over a year now, and I can't put this off any longer. So today on Plan Build Use, I'm gonna make some file handles.

00:40 The walnut scrap pieces I have are not thick enough to make the handle; so I'm going to have to glue some pieces together.

02:59 Boiled linseed oil makes a great finish for tool handles.

03:36 I'm using the lathe to make the ferrule, but you don't need a lathe to make this part. This part could easily be made with a hacksaw and some hand file work.

04:20 A couple of strikes from a dead blow hammer is enough to set the file.

04:30 Well, here they are. I think the brass and the walnut go together really well. I'm really happy with the way they came out.

04:40 There's just nothing like a good hand made tool.

04:47 Thanks for stopping in. I'll see you on the next video.


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