Sugar Zombie & Beware the rare colossal Swamp Squid - The Cramp Twins

Описание к видео Sugar Zombie & Beware the rare colossal Swamp Squid - The Cramp Twins

Episode 44 - The Cramp Twins
Wayne discovers the new computer game ‘Toxic Mutoid Zombie Squasher’ is out and begs his mother to buy it, but she tells him he’ll have to save up his own money. Lucien and Tony are starting an alternative newspaper called the ‘Swamp Echo’, but when Lucien tries to print it out, nothing happens. Lucien’s printer is gone! When Mrs. Cramp finds out Wayne has sold Lucien’s printer to buy the zombie game, she insists he gets Lucien’s printer back and returns the game to the shop. When Mr. Cramp takes Wayne to the game shop, he ends up buying him a treat for being good about it – the mini ‘Zombie Squasher’ game! Now Wayne plays non-stop, not bothering to eat meals or sleep at night. He eventually collapses in the street and is brought home, wondering if he turned into a zombie. Mr. and Mrs. Cramp explain that his sugar levels got too low and suggest he keep candy with him at all times – and give the game a rest. But Wayne can’t stop playing and forgets his candy again. Soon he really does look like a zombie, and when the game’s batteries run down, zombie Wayne goes on the rampage. Meanwhile, Lucien and Tony are trying to find a better headline story to sell their paper, but good, grabby, headline stories are not easy to come by…


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