S 3 2 Ep 7 Cumulate Culminate & part 3 Story with Setting

Описание к видео S 3 2 Ep 7 Cumulate Culminate & part 3 Story with Setting

Hello Writers,
Today we are going to look at some terms and continue the writing prompt that started with a setting and go from there. You should have already described your character's emotions or their activities. That could have been a jog or plans that were upended, or anything else that you felt like writing about with this setting. The terms are cumulate and culminate. Have fun.
Here's the setting: (We started in season 3.1 episodes 17 and 31)
Tonight was the night of the full moon, and a haze shrouded the moon to give off an eerie ghost like light and shape, instead of the bright round circle that usually hung in the sky.
A mist was consistently drifting down and that made everything it touched damp.
Trees lined the lonely road as it went up the hill, and fog rolled in between their trunks as the wind whipped through and howled in soft wheezes.
Soon it would be hard to see far.
Another thing was the air had a cold nip to it, and the dampness and the wind didn’t help.
Don't forget to send your writing prompt or your chapters from our shared plot to [email protected] so I get the joy of reading your work.
Visit my website byMykela.com to read some character bios.

#WritewithMykela #MykelaGreenwood #creativewriting #fantasy #writingprompt #fog #mist #fullmoon #fiction #cumulate #culminate


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