Russian Verb Prefixes - Prefix В

Описание к видео Russian Verb Prefixes - Prefix В

This is a new video series on Russian Verb Prefixes. Verb Prefixes are an important part of the Russian Grammar and should be studied carefully. Once you learn how the prefixes work you will unlock the meaning and use of most of the Russian verbs.

For the full text of the video and all the examples please read here ‎

This is a new video series on Russian verb prefixes.

What is a prefix? It's a group of letters that you can add to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

In the English language we have prefixes.

For example, the prefix "un".

clear - unclear

fold - unfold

Prefixes are an important element of the Russian verbs.

In some cases, a prefix only makes an imperfective verb perfective. For example,

писать (impf) - написать (pf) - to write

читать (impf) - прочитать (pf) - to read

In most of the cases though, a prefix doesn't only make the verb perfective but also changes its meaning.

делать - to do (impf)

переделать - to redo, alter (pf)

Prefix В and Verbs of Motion

In this first video, we're looking at the prefix В - ВО.

The prefix В adds a direction to the verb, a direction INTO something.

That's very common with verbs of motion.

For example,

входить (impf) / войти (pf) - enter, come in(to)

Маша входила в комнату с чайником, расставляла чашки и уходила. - Masha used to come into the room with a kettle, arrange the cups and leave. (repeated action - impf)

Remember I said earlier, a prefix in most of the cases makes the verb imperfective. Not always though.

Ходить is imperfective. Входить is also imperfective.

Он вошёл в комнату и остановился у двери. - He entered the room and stood by the door. (one instance action - pf)

влетать (impf) / влететь (pf) - fly in(to)

Птица влетела в открытое окно. - The bird flew into the open window. (pf)

Remember the verb лететь is imperfective. It is unidirectional.

Летать is multidirectional.

Птица по небу летает. - The bird is flying in the sky.

or it denotes a repeated action.

Я часто летаю в Москву. - I often fly to Moscow.

Я лечУ в Москву завтра. - I'm flying to Moscow tomorrow.


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