NEXA Music LAB Artists Compilation: Top 30 Highlights from the Previous Season!

Описание к видео NEXA Music LAB Artists Compilation: Top 30 Highlights from the Previous Season!

Immerse yourself in the vibrant sounds of NEXA Music LAB's top 30 hits from the previous season. This compilation features standout tracks like "Volition" by Heatsink, "Postcard" by Kalmly, "Alright" by Mahesh Raghunandan, "Lonely Maggot" by Mocaine, "Mad About You" by Orlando, "You" by Stringy Cheese and Crackerjack, "Battles" by Calico, and "Heartless Heart" by Vernon Noronha. Discover the diversity and creativity of emerging artists pushing the boundaries of music.

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#NEXAMusic #LABArtists #MusicCompilation #Volition #Heatsink #Postcard #Kalmly #Alright #MaheshRaghunandan #LonelyMaggot #Mocaine #MadAboutYou #Orlando #You #StringyCheeseAndCrackerjack #Battles #Calico #HeartlessHeart #VernonNoronha #Top30 #MusicLovers


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