Descendents- Mississippi Nights, St. Louis Mo 3/24/87 Pro Shot Xfer from 1st gen VHS tape Punk

Описание к видео Descendents- Mississippi Nights, St. Louis Mo 3/24/87 Pro Shot Xfer from 1st gen VHS tape Punk

Taking a break from the weekday audio posts to ask the question-- what in the hell is going on over at KDHX in St. Louis?
I became aware of KDHX back in the 1980s, when my good friend Jim Utz would send me videos like this one (copied on VHS tape) in the mail. NOBODY was documenting bands like this back then, and I have always had a soft spot for KDHX- a community radio/TV station run by volunteers making a huge global impact.
Well, it seems that KDHX may have been bitten by the "corporate public radio" bug. They have fired many of the DJ's that made the station great- people who have been there for over 20 years and made KDHX what it is today. First the Board of Directors stated that those DJ's were encouraging listeners to not donate, then retracted that statement and said the firings were due to "combat things like racist and gender discrimination, and patriarchy and all of those things"... but did not back those statements up with any facts.
This is pretty disheartening for a person like me, who lived far away but was emotionally invested in the station. I'm still trying to understand why- are they trying to become another KEXP or KCRW? No need, we already have one of each of those.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling, and sorry to the VOLUNTEER DJ's who gave a good chunk of their lives to the station, who were just dumped for (apparently) no good reason.
Thanks for the memories, and for documenting all the great St. Louis bands, along with touring band bands like these guys. R.I.P.

Recorded by: ?. Taken from Jim Utz' first gen VHS tape
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: JVC HRS9911 - Canopus ADVC300 - firewire into dell workstation
no ehancements


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