Quality vs. Reputation in B.Tech Engineering Colleges in West Bengal

Описание к видео Quality vs. Reputation in B.Tech Engineering Colleges in West Bengal

Embark on a journey to uncover the reality behind B.Tech engineering colleges' rankings and reputations. In this eye-opening video, we challenge the conventional wisdom surrounding college selection. Discover why the so-called "top-rated" institutions of West Bengal may fall short in providing quality education and placement assistance, while lesser-known colleges might offer exceptional value at lower fees.
Gain insights into the crucial factors to consider before choosing your educational path. Don't miss out on this invaluable guidance for a brighter future!
Best Private B.Tech Colleges in West Bengal & Kolkata affiliated to MAKAUT (Low Fees Good B.Tech Colleges) - in Session 2024 - 25 :

1. Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology - [SVIST], Kolkata - Official Website : https://svist.org/
2. Camellia School of Engineering and Technology - [CSET], Kolkata - Official Website : https://www.cset.org.in/
3. Kanad Institute of Engineering and Management - [KIEM], Durgapur - Official Website : http://www.kanadinstitute.in/
4. Gargi Memorial Institute of Technology - [GMIT], Kolkata - Official Website : https://gmitkolkata.org/
5. Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Management - [DIATM], Durgapur - Official Website : https://diatm.rahul.ac.in/
6. Regent Education and Research Foundation - [RERF], Kolkata - Official Website : https://www.rerf.in/
7. Greater Kolkata College of Engineering & Management - [GKCEM], Baruipur - Official Website: https://www.gkcem.ac.in/
8. Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology - [SMIT], Hooghly - Official Website: https://smitgp.edu.in/
9. Global Institute of Management and Technology - [GIMT], Nadia - Official Website : https://gimt-india.com/
10. Camellia Institute of Engineering and Technology - [CIET], Bardhaman - Official Website: https://ciet.net.in/

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