What to do when You're Angry at God?

Описание к видео What to do when You're Angry at God?

Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!"
   • The ONE Thing Every Christian Should ...   -~-
What do you do when you are angry, frustrated and disappointed with God and your dreams turn into nightmares? That’s the question we want to answer today on the BEAT.

INTRODUCTION: What’s up everyone, Allen here and today I want to take a close look at the life of Job, a man who lost all ten of his children, all his wealth and his health and I want to give us four things to consider when we are angry, frustrated and disappointed with God.

1. Release your emotions to God – Job 23:2-3, 8; elsewhere he even said, “Cursed be the day I was even born!”
a. Job was ANGRY with God not only because of what he was going through but because it seemed like God was nowhere to be found and while experiencing incomparable pain he was bold enough to express his true feelings towards God.
b. And many of God’s greatest servants were at one point in their life very angry with God and yet God was patient with them, loved them through it and blessed their life.
i. Naomi – She lost her husband and her two sons and shook her fists in God’s face and
ii. Hannah – Was bitter because she could not have children.
iii. David – “My tears have become my food!”
c. So, my first encouragement to you if you are angry with God, God already knows what you’re feeling. Stop feeling guilty about it. Release it to God and be encouraged to know that you are in good company of people who have been disappointed with God.
2. Recognize that God could be testing you – Job 23:10
a. Job said, “even though I can’t seem to find God anywhere in my trial, I KNOW that His eyes are still on ME! And when He TESTS me…”
b. Don’t start blaming yourself for what you’re going through when it could very well be that God may be testing you today and that test is more for you to see where you REALLY are because the true temperature of your faith will be revealed in the tests and trials of life.
c. Peter said, “these trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold.” (1 Pet. 1:7a). This leads me to my third point which is…
3. Resolve to Obey God during your test – Job 23:11-12
a. One of the temptations when you are in the midst of a trial is to say, “God this Christian thing isn’t working! Prayer, obedience, fasting and church attendance is getting me NOWHERE!” And you end up making poor decisions and reverting back to a habit, a person or a lifestyle that God has delivered you from.
b. But Job said, “I have stayed on God’s path; I have followed His ways and not turned aside; I have not departed from His commands.” Elsewhere he said, “although you slay me God, YET I will trust you!”
c. When we revert backwards I am a firm believer that we may be prolonging the time of our own test.
4. Remind yourself of God’s Power – Job 42:
a. When you are experiencing a deep trial the tendency is to think that what you’re going through will never end.
i. When I look at how God blessed Job, Abraham, Joseph, David, Hannah, Naomi and a host of other Bible characters, I see both a God who took them through extended seasons of pain…
ii. But also…I see a God who was merciful, kind, patient, faithful and one who IN HIS TIME does not allow His children to suffer indefinitely and one who is merciful and faithful. You may have to meditate on these stories again and again to find strength to believe when you’ve lost all hope.

You lose a loved one. Your spouse cheats on you. You know God is in control which makes it worse. Why doesn’t He do something about this? Why did He let this happen?

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