Nannostomus beckfordi Spotlight - Beckford's Pencilfish

Описание к видео Nannostomus beckfordi Spotlight - Beckford's Pencilfish

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Welcome to the spotlight on the Nannostomus beckfordi Pencilfish, or also known as the Brown Pencilfish, Golden Pencilfish, and Red Beckford Pencilfish. These are amazing fish, and work very well in community tanks due to the size of their small mouths. If you are looking for a Dither fish for your Apistogrammas, or other shy bottom dwelling fish, then this is the Tetra to consider.

In the video we show you some of the habits of this pencilfish, and go over the benefits of owning them for your community aquarium. We also go over the recommended water parameters that are needed to take care of these fish to ensure they stay healthy and live a longer life.

Breeding this pencilfish is pretty easy, but we recommend that if you are going to breed them to house them in a species only tank, and set the tank up according to, or something similar to the recommendation we point out in the video. We hope you enjoy the video and begin to find a small spot in your heart for the excitement and joy they can bring to your community aquarium.


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