Digital Computer Techniques: Programming (1962) - AT&T Archives

Описание к видео Digital Computer Techniques: Programming (1962) - AT&T Archives

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Though not produced by AT&T, this film was part of the Bell Labs film library, a resource utilized by Labs engineers. It was produced by the U.S. Navy in the 1960s as a basic primer on computers and how they worked.

Programming is part 5 of 5; it covers the essentials of programming, on a fundamental level. The Navy was ahead of its time in terms of integrating computers into many functions, early on in the 1940s and 1950s. There is an excellent article on this subject in Today's Engineer from 2012.

Digital Computer Techniques was a 5-part film series introduction to the essential elements of computers and computing. The series was made by Audio Productions, Inc., a company that made also made other films for the Bell System. Here's what the entire series consisted of at the time:

Digital Computer Techniques: Introduction
Digital Computer Techniques: Computer Logic Part I
Digital Computer Techniques: Computer Logic Part II, Symbology (also called "Logic Element Circuits")
Digital Computer Techniques: Computer Units
Digital Computer Techniques: Programming (this film)

Footage Courtesy of AT&T Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ


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