AKORANGA - Mihi 1 (Greetings & Farewells)

Описание к видео AKORANGA - Mihi 1 (Greetings & Farewells)

Tēnā koutou katoa! Kua tae mai koutou ki te wāhanga tuatahi mo ta mātou teihana YouTube ko AKORANGA! Ko Hone Hughes tōku ingoa, ko au tō kaiako mō ēnei whakaaturanga! Mo tēnei wāhanga, e kōrero ana au e pā ana ki ngā mihi. Ko te tūmanako e tino harikoa koutou hei akongia tō tātou reo rangatira!

Whakaaro Rangatira, Mahi Rangatira. Ngā Manaakitanga!

Greetings to you all! You have arrived to the very first series of our YouTube channel AKORANGA! My name is Hone Hughes, I will be your Teacher for these lessons! For this first segment I will be talking about Greetings & Farewells. I hope that you are excited to learn our beautiful & prestigious language!

Think Noble, Act Noble. Blessings!


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