415w BiFacial Solar Panels with Mirrors Mylar and More!!

Описание к видео 415w BiFacial Solar Panels with Mirrors Mylar and More!!

How much BiFacial Gain can you get with Mirrors, Silver and Gold Mylar, White Foam Board, Aluminum Foil Foam Board behind the New 415w (539w with BiFacial Gain) Sirius BiFacial Solar Panels?? Lets Find OUT!!

Save $50 on Any Purchase over $500 with code "averagejoe10"
Affiliate Links to the Solar Panels, Racks and Tester⤵
🔗415w/539w BiFacial Solar Panels - https://bit.ly/4dHAIzU
🔗EG4 Ground Mount - https://bit.ly/4fsNQcH
🔗Elejoy 1600w Solar Panel Tester - https://amzn.to/4dhQW2Z
🔗Gold and Silver Mylar - https://amzn.to/3XJcD6P
🔗VBR-SOL Solar Irradiance Meter - https://amzn.to/4eeisP0

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💥Leslie R. Isgrigg-Diy Solar & Powerwaller
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   / @shawnmaker6974  
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💥Michael Dudley - Diy Solar & Powerwaller + 3D Printing

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Rodney Eggleston, Emanuel Huard, Garrick Bradley, Levi

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AveRage Joe
PO Box 31562
Omaha, NE 68131

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AveRage Joe
608 N Saddle Creek Rd # 31562
Omaha, NE 68132

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