Pyro 4.0 Now 🚀 Star Citizen 🌎 Stream 159

Описание к видео Pyro 4.0 Now 🚀 Star Citizen 🌎 Stream 159

Polaris Is now in the PTU to check out, we will spawn one in and have a tour. StarLancer Waiting room. The Starlancer will be out for the IAE event coming soon and we should see a patch for Star Citizen, CitizenCon is going on right now and we play the current build and explore the new ships and see some gameplay from squadron 42. We are live to explore the changes together Surviving and Salvaging on my cozy space ship to survive the harsh conditions in space, doing scrap mission and bounty hunter missions to buy and craft the supplies I need to survive and upgrade my ship. Crafting and running salvage cargo runs making my way as a Salvager. We are ready for more Star Citizen 4.0 sneak peaks and new ship reveals during the presentations. Surface and deep space mining in Star Citizen. Bunker Busting outposts on the planet surface for massive profit. Cargo Hauling planet to planet and doing some Mercenary mission along the way. Making Credits in Star Citizen Ship to Ship, Mining gadgets, Planet side rivers, Cave Mining, Surface Gem Mining. Star Citizen 3.23 PTU is now live and we are testing out all the new stuff added we will be starting off on Orison (cloud city) gathering supplies and resources to go and do some deep space mining. Orison the new landing zone on a gas giant in Star Citizen 3.23 PTU. Crusader landing zone has finally been added. Orison is basically cloud City and looks amazing. Loading into Star Citizen Play Test Universe to check out the new landing zone and change that have been brought to Star Citizen 3.23. Star Citizen 3.23 alpha is here! We are checking out the new mining and refinery decks. The new Nebulas and space stations, can't wait! We will be doing missions and trying to avoid prison time in star citizen. If we get enough people we will attempt a comm array blockade. with the new Origin 100 series ships and some new game mechanics along with and items that we can get in game. Multi crew on the Carrack and on the Argo Mole. Mining with the new straight to fly, Argo Mole. Best Way to go mining for gems in Star Citizen 3.23 Alpha, Live branch with a Misc Prospector and a hand mining tool with a Gem Backpack. Showing off some methods and best mining locations that I use in Star Citizen 3.23 to earn credits in safe way in Star Citizen. Mining with 890, Doing Missions for Space Credits. Star Citizen 3.23 is here with FPS mining and cave system added to the surface of planets. We are going in to explore and we are also a Mercenary for hire (in space). Capital Ship 890 Jump is out and ready to do some PvP damage on the 3.23 alpha live!. Tonight we will be exploring it with the crew. In Star Citizen 3.23 We are shooting scenes for our Trailer live in the Star Citizen 3.23. Also there is a free fly event happening now. Try out Star Citizen now Every backer has access to the Star Citizen 3.23 LIVE. Loading in and checking out the new space ships, flight model for 3.23 and the city planet ArcCorp. Ursa Rover Fortuna and the base model 300i rework all in this patch, we are live on stream and chasing sunsets and sunrises.

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