Tim Scott | Made in America | 60

Описание к видео Tim Scott | Made in America | 60

Tim Scott: I am living proof that America is the land of opportunity. I was raised by a single mother in poverty. She taught me to have stubborn faith, faith in God, faith in ourselves, and faith in America. I rose from a child of poverty to a candidate for President of the United States because we chose patriotism over pity, and to be victors, not victims. Made in America. That's my story. That's why it pains my soul to see the Biden liberals attacking every rung of the ladder that helped me climb.

Indoctrination in our schools, inflation in our economy, crime in our neighborhoods, victimhood in our culture. To the radical Left that says we're an evil declining country, I say the truth of my life disproves your lies.

I'm Tim Scott, and I approve this message because I have faith in America and our president should too.


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