How to Troubleshoot and Repair a GM AutoRide (Air) z55 Suspension

Описание к видео How to Troubleshoot and Repair a GM AutoRide (Air) z55 Suspension

This is an in depth video showing how to completely diagnose and fix problems with the z55 Autoride suspension system, which uses Electronic Suspension Control, found in many full-sized Chevrolet/GMC SUVs and trucks including Escalade, Tahoe, Yukon, Suburban, Avalanche, Silverado, and Sierra. In this video I show you how to determine if your Air Compressor is functioning and how to replace it. I also show how to determine if your air shocks are leaking and how to replace them if they are.

This video might also help with repairing z95 and zw7 suspension systems as well.

I now recommend replacing your old shocks with air shocks made by Vigor Air Suspension. You can watch my full test and review here:    • Vigor Air Suspension vs. Arnott vs. S...  .

To purchase new air shocks:

To purchase a new air compressor:


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