Rear sway bar bushing replacement in year 2000 Workhorse based motorhome

Описание к видео Rear sway bar bushing replacement in year 2000 Workhorse based motorhome

This describes the replacement of the rear sway bar bushings on my 2000 model year class A motor home on a P32 Workhorse chassis.

You can find the overview of my motorhome renovation here:
   • Intro to 2000 Workhorse motorhome ren...  

The removal of old defunct rear air springs and replacement with Sumo Springs:    • sumo spring installation in Workhorse...  

The removal and replacement of the rear leaf spring bushings and shackles:
   • Leafspring removal with replacement o...  &t=0

The replacement of the rear shocks with new Kona brand shocks:
   • Rear shock replacement on year 2000 W...  


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