Gordon Ryan's Guard Passing is outdated - BJJ Analysis

Описание к видео Gordon Ryan's Guard Passing is outdated - BJJ Analysis

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It's frustrating when you ask how to defend an arm bar and the answer is "don't get there." There is truth to that when it comes to passing the knee shield. Gordon Ryan Guard Passing 1.0 would tell you to step your foot to the inside which puts you in your opponents guard. Gordon Ryan guard passing 2.0 would tell you to threaten an angle and make your opponent recover their guard. Huge difference in the approach and one that I wanted to emphasize in this video. Next week I am thinking Gordon Ryan vs Nicky Rod.

Future Kimonos (Save 15% with DISCOUNT CODE: LUIGIBJJ15) https://bit.ly/3x0icyT

0:00-2:34: Intro
2:35-4:12: Knee weave guard pass
4:13-7:04: Offensive Cycle
7:05-9:13: Gordon Ryan Guard Passing 1.0
9:14-11:00: Gordon Ryan Guard Passing 2.0
11:01-13:08: How to beat a knee shield

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