Not Good at Sales? 3 Steps to Build Confidence in Sales

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1. Know your “why.”

At the end of the day, selling is a contact sport. It can be tough and painful, and that's why most people don't go into sales. Now, having said that, it can also be one of the most lucrative aspects of business. In fact, successful salespeople can make 5 to 10 times what other business functions in the same company make. But to get to that level, you first need to get clear on why you’re going to stick with selling. You need to know with crystal clarity why you’re willing to do what it takes to be successful. This is the foundation you need to truly build sales confidence. Why are you going to pick up that phone every time? Why are you going to get on a plane to meet prospects? And why are you going to take that rejection time after time? What is your why? Be sure that it’s compelling enough to pull you through those tough times, and you’ll be on your way to build sales confidence like the best of them.

2. Stop waiting for the perfect moment.

People who wait for the perfect moment in sales never make it. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: There is no perfect moment, ever. Literally never. Selling is like flying a plane on a windy day—but in sales, every day is windy. You just have to take off. Is it going to be perfect? Probably not, but just getting out there is what's going to lead to your success. It's time to stop over-analyzing, stop over-researching, and stop overthinking. Just get out there and seize every moment to sell. Once you start doing that, you’ll naturally build sales confidence. If you make a bunch of mistakes along the way, so what? You'll learn from your mistakes and you'll be better off next time, so what are you waiting for? Make that call right now. Create that moment.

3. Play the game.

Selling is not real life. In real life, if your spouse gets mad at you for something that you said, there are real-life consequences to that. In real life, if your kid is traumatized by something mean that you said, there are real-life consequences to that. But in sales, it's not real life. It's a game. It's like a sport. If you screw up a sale, yes, the opportunity may be gone, but nothing else happens. If you get back to it and continue to fill your pipeline, that lost sale simply doesn't matter. You're not going to get locked up. You're not going to get kicked out of your house. If you say something on a prospecting call that actually makes the prospect furious, so what? Realizing that sales is just a game is crucial if you want to build sales confidence. The more you look at sales like it's a game, the more you’ll be willing to take risks, and ultimately build your sales confidence and improve your selling results.

So, there you have it. Those are the three steps to help you build sales confidence. I want to hear from you. Which of these ideas did you find most useful? Be sure to share below in the comment section to get involved in the conversation.


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