LL's Interlace Video Encode Testing

Описание к видео LL's Interlace Video Encode Testing

Problem with me recording non-progressive games (PS2/GCN/DC) is that it'll be interlaced on my raw files.

This leads me questioning how would you all like to see the encoding on YT?

Yea, I should've asked you this long ago when I was playing Wild Arms 3 (which I kept it Interlaced).

Here's the three choices with video samples:

00:00 - 00:40
Obviously this is the original raw, you can see lines lines lines!

{Deinterlaced - Interploate}
00:41 - 01:20
This is the one I used for the "ToR" videos I uploaded last night. Quality is clear BUT you can see the text all pixelated as well as the Force Cube pixels.

{Deinterlaced - Blend}
01:21 - End
I "think" the quality is a little duller (not sure.. maybe someone can detailed about this more), but nothing is pixelated or anything.

You can check this captured screen shot to compare too (in order as stated above, just like the video):


Информация по комментариям в разработке