fail better, heal faster - My Omelas

Описание к видео fail better, heal faster - My Omelas


haven’t had the time
to get rid of all this slime
that’s been dripping from
my mouth, my ears, my eyes, my pores, and my nose

when you get rid of your trash
and toss it in your neighbor’s yard
tell me who does that help in the end?
another community scarred

so i’ll blade by the graves and the game saves
slip into the societal nether that’s been taken over by the new millennial wave
a history of repetition, rejection, disassociation with mental illness and feeling gay
it’s tough when you don’t know the rules so you can either take the bus or drive your shitty car to school
you’re ten feet away, and i can’t even ask if you’re doing okay

we’re not as dirty as we think
but we’re not as clean as you


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