How to make 15w 18w 20w 22w 25w 27 watt Led Bulb RC Driver || PF Driver

Описание к видео How to make 15w 18w 20w 22w 25w 27 watt Led Bulb RC Driver || PF Driver

How To Make 15W, 18W, 20W, 25 Watt PF Driver For Led Bulb Repair || Led Bulb RC Driver
Hello Friends In this video I have tried to give you detailed information about How to make 15w 18w 20w 22w 25w 27 watt Led Bulb RC Driver || PF Driver. I hope this video will prove useful for you.
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Components For Led Driver 15 Watt..
1. Fusible Resistance 10 Ohms 1 Watt
2. PF Capacitor 155J450V + 155J450V
3. mov 10D511K
4. PF Discharge Resistance 1MOhms 1/4 Watt
5. Diode 1N4007
6. Electrolyte Capacitor 10uF400V + 10uF400V
7. Output Discharge Resistance 220 KOhms 1/4 Watt
8. Output Current Control Resistance 22 Ohms 1 Watt Single
Components For Led Driver 18 Watt..
1. Fusible Resistance 3.3 Ohms 1 Watt
2. PF Capacitor 155J450V + 155J450V
3. mov 10D511K
4. PF Discharge Resistance 1MOhms 1/4 Watt
5. Diode 1N4007
6. Electrolyte Capacitor 10uF400V + 10uF400V
7. Output Discharge Resistance 220 KOhms 1/4 Watt
8. Output Current Control Resistance 22 Ohms 1 Watt Double In Parallel
Components For Led Driver 20-25 Watt..
1. Fusible Resistance 3.3 Ohms 2 Watt
2. PF Capacitor 155J450V + 155J450V
3. mov 10D511K
4. PF Discharge Resistance 1MOhms 1/4 Watt
5. Diode 1N4007
6. Electrolyte Capacitor 10uF400V + 10uF400V
7. Output Discharge Resistance 220 KOhms 1/4 Watt
8. Output Current Control Resistance 22 Ohms 1 Watt Three In Parallel
Components For Led Driver 22 Watt..
1. Fusible Resistance 3.3 Ohms 2 Watt
2. PF Capacitor 155J450V + 155J450V
3. mov 10D511K
4. PF Discharge Resistance 1MOhms 1/4 Watt
5. Diode 1N4007
6. Electrolyte Capacitor 10uF400V + 10uF400V
7. Output Discharge Resistance 220 KOhms 1/4 Watt
8. Output Current Control Resistance 22 Ohms 1 Watt Four In Parallel
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How to make Led bulb Driver
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