My Real Jose Modded 1979 Marshall 100 watt head- An in depth Look at the Build and Circuit

Описание к видео My Real Jose Modded 1979 Marshall 100 watt head- An in depth Look at the Build and Circuit

This is a really in depth look at my Jose Arredondo modded 1979 Marshall super lead 100. I go through the amp and trace the circuit for you with my probe and draw some circuits out as well.

Check out the solderless cables here -

CORRECTIONS: I did not want to film it all again so there are a few additions/ mistakes I will add/correct here-

1- The diagram shows one of the 0.022 tone stack caps connected to the end lug of the mid pot instead of the wiper where it should be- sorry :(

2- The ceramic cap running along side the cathode r/c from the added first gain stage is connected to that same stages plate coupling cap and goes to ground as a treble bleed. Its value is 0.002. Forgot to mention that... Sorry:(

3- The push/pull jump channels feature will also work when you are in the cascaded lead mode.... forgot to mention that.... Sorry:(

4- The remote standby jack is a shorting mono switchcraft jack, not a stereo one... you try talking for 1 hour off the top of your head!!!


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