Animal Adaptation: How to Survive | Science Trek

Описание к видео Animal Adaptation: How to Survive | Science Trek

How an animal looks or behaves reflects where it lives. It has to adapt to survive in its environment and passes those adaptations onto its offspring. Learn more about the different kinds of animal adaptations.

Animal Adaptations [ˈa-nǝ-mǝl ˌa-ˌdap-ˈtā-shǝn-z]
The way an animal changes in order to better survive under new conditions.

An adaptation is a change in the way an animal looks or behaves in response to its environment. Birds have adaptations to help them fly. Butterflies are different colors to help them hide from predators. Bats hunt at sunset and sunrise because that’s when the bugs are out. There are three basic kind of adaptions: body parts, body coverings, and behaviors. Learn more about how animals survive using animal apaptations on this episode of Science Trek!

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