Common Clash 'On The Web': Rielle vs Jegantha vs Teysa Karlov vs Chevill / Casual Commander Gameplay

Описание к видео Common Clash 'On The Web': Rielle vs Jegantha vs Teysa Karlov vs Chevill / Casual Commander Gameplay

Welcome to a special episode of Common Clash! Today we're playing magic on the web using Spelltable. We've got some great guests that have brought powerful decks! If you would like to play with the Common Command cast, visit our Facebook page or Twitter profile and read the pinned posts! Links to these sites are below.

Twitter:   / commonedh  
Facebook:   / commoncommandedh  
Patreon:   / commoncommand  

Make sure to check out the rest of our wonderful pod:

Your Commander Mechanic: Chris
YouTube:    / @commandermechanic  
Twitter:   / cmdrmechanic  

Elder Dragon Skypelander: Jake and Andrew
YouTube:    / @elderdragonskypelander6077  
-Twitter:   / eds_mtg  
-Twitch:   / elderdragonskypelander  

Music provided by No Copyright Music:
   / royaltyfreezone  
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0


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