Spotted: The Batman T-Shirts at The SM Store!🦇

Описание к видео Spotted: The Batman T-Shirts at The SM Store!🦇

Following the release of the film last week, I spotted the long awaited “The Batman” T-Shirts over at The SM Store at SM Makati!

Featuring logos and designs that reference the Caped Crusader and his nemesis in The Riddler, there are a couple of designs to choose from and any Batfan can now get these after seeing the 3 hour epic on the big screen! I certainly did, and I love the Batman/ Riddler design the most as well as the red Batman face poster shirt!🦇❓🍿 Thanks again SM Makati for bringing these in!

The Batman is now showing in theaters!

#TheBatman #TheBatmanMovie #UnmaskTheTruth #Batman #TheRiddler #DCFilms #DCHeroes #BatmanShirt #TheSMStore #SMMakati #Timzster


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