Berkeley Haas MBA application secrets

Описание к видео Berkeley Haas MBA application secrets

What does it take to get accepted into the UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business MBA program? We spoke with Eric Askins, Executive Director of Full-Time MBA Admissions at Haas School of Business, to learn all about their admissions process.

#UCBerkeley #BerkeleyHaas #HaasMBA #mbatube


00:00 - Intro - Eric Askins, UC Berkeley Haas MBA
00:13 - How many MBA applications does Berkeley Haas get every year?
00:39 - MBA application success rate at UC Berkeley Haas
00:56 - Diversity in the Berkeley Haas MBA cohorts
02:45 - Four defining leadership principles at UC Berkeley
04:39 - Evaluating MBA candidates on leadership values
05:41 - Who reads MBA application essays at UC Berkeley Haas?
09:24 - How decisive are the MBA admissions interviews?
11:40 - In-person vs. per-recorded MBA admissions interviews
13:07 - Showing 'growth potential' in your MBA applicaiton
14:03 - Advice on working with admissions consultants
16:21 - Berkeley Haas on wait listed and rejected MBA candidates
18:46 - Evaluating veterans for admission at Berkeley Haas
20:57 - The UC system's influence on UC Berkeley's admissions process
22:27 - Final MBA application advice from Eric Askins

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