In Flanders by Ivor Gurney

Описание к видео In Flanders by Ivor Gurney

David McFerrin, baritone
Jerry Noble, piano
"Angel Spirits: Music of World War 1"
November 11, 2016
Smith College

In Flanders (1917)
text by Frederick William Harvey (1888-1957)

I’m homesick for my hills again –
My hills again!
To see above the Severn plain,
Unscabbarded against the sky,
The blue high blade of Cotswold lie;
The giant clouds go royally
By jagged Malvern with a train
Of Shadows. Where the land is low
Like a huge imprisoning O
I hear a heart that’s sound and high,
I hear the heart within my cry:
I’m homesick for my hills again –
My hills again!
Cotswold or Malvern, sun or rain!
My hills again!


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