Pachatusan Inkari

Описание к видео Pachatusan Inkari

Pachatusan Inkari with Don Mariano Quispe Flores Don Mariano Quispe Flores, is an Elder from the Quero community of Charkapata, a province of Cusco nestled in the beautiful Andean mountains. The Quero people are widely considered to be among the most direct living descendents of the Inka. Don Mariano is a pampa misayoq teacher and ceremonialist of Haywarikuy, (offerings to reach the earth) also known in Spanish as Despachos. As a curandero, he heals through despachos, coca readings and herbs. He tells us: "It is time for you to begin to understand how to work with real despachos, not tourist despachos. It is time. Your Apus in North America are hungry, they are very hungry" video by antoni ansarov


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