曾榮獲諾貝爾和平獎的曼德拉,為何會被批評是恐怖份子?《 時代的巨人》EP 021|志祺七七

Описание к видео 曾榮獲諾貝爾和平獎的曼德拉,為何會被批評是恐怖份子?《 時代的巨人》EP 021|志祺七七

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#曼德拉 #南非
00:00 開頭
02:15【SEAGATE 希捷科技】廣告段落
02:59 曼德拉的出生
03:38 從逃婚到政治啟蒙
04:37 不合作運動
05:24 以暴制暴的民族之矛
06:00 我已經準備好去死!
06:57 曼德拉的牢獄生活
08:12 南非的第一位黑人總統
09:09 曼德拉並不完美
10:10 曼德拉與愛滋病毒
10:54 我們的觀點
12:31 提問
12:49 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→ Biography of Nelson Mandela:https://is.gd/flJsqi
→ 納爾遜·曼德拉:https://is.gd/WpDeU5
→ 曼德拉生平:我盡了自己的職責:https://is.gd/WaQWzz
→ 解放者曼德拉:從囚徒到總統:https://is.gd/T006Wq
→ Nelson Mandela 1918-2013: the timeline of a lifetime:https://is.gd/7YYjo7
→ Nelson Mandela:https://is.gd/s3Mbw0
→ Apartheid:https://is.gd/0ot2hC
→ 【全球】學生為氣候變遷罷課正是世界需要的草根行動:https://is.gd/lAoHIL
→ Sharpeville Massacre, 21 March 1960:https://is.gd/8B8pHx
→ WIKI:民族之矛:https://is.gd/mCjITH
→ ""I Am Prepared to Die"":https://is.gd/aAN4e0
→ A Bomb for Mandela:https://is.gd/IyKco5
→ uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Timeline 1961-1990:https://is.gd/InYAjE
→ Rivonia Trial 1963 - 1964:https://is.gd/7P3y6y
→ Nelson Mandela’s Public Health Legacy:https://is.gd/swWwTM
→ 人人皆生而平等:https://is.gd/xBYhMU
→ Foreword: Nelson R Mandela:https://is.gd/fy4Gdy
→ Professor Stephen Ellis was condemned by the ANC for revealing Nelson Mandela's communist affiliations:https://is.gd/K7QaIE
→ 曼德拉:全球「抗艾滋戰」的核心人物:https://is.gd/Z1Id5n
→ uMkhonto weSizwe (MK):https://is.gd/HZYX0H
→ Mandela’s art of ‘understanding the enemy’:https://is.gd/7115Em
→ 領受愛與寬恕的「罪人」:https://is.gd/EyP5Ea
→ 《二號被告》的關鍵答辯:關於反種族隔離,一場南非史上的經典審判:https://is.gd/MN3YXY
→ Nelson Mandela writes from prison:https://is.gd/ZsypkY
→ Why anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela was once labelled a terrorist:https://is.gd/N6fZFD
→ HIV in South Africa:https://is.gd/JZJbdZ
→ Nelson Mandela 1918-2013: the timeline of a lifetime:https://is.gd/IyKco5
→ Mandela, From a Freedom Fighter to an Icon of Reconciliation:https://is.gd/rDTYR6
→ Massacre in Sharpeville:https://is.gd/Vk2LrH
→ 1960-1966: The genesis of the armed struggle:https://is.gd/nqCuFI
→ Nelson Mandela and Nonviolent Resistance:https://is.gd/38S7ZN
→ Guerrilla Group Vows to Step Up Anti-Apartheid Campaign Even if S. African Civilian Toll Rises:https://is.gd/eXmeNN

※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。


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