Epic Seven S.Iseria Debut

Описание к видео Epic Seven S.Iseria Debut

Hello my dear friends;there i want to share my build on S.Iseria and how she performance in GwG. I Hope this video will be enjpyable ,so GL with your build on her,as like as with PvE and PvP content*

My nickname Ani Heavel, but in game I'm using nicknames Takibara(Izolda/Taki). in my videos I want to show gameplay,characters,how to deal with PvE content and also different team builds and compositions as like as how to gear your characters and of course to share everything with you all

#Epic Seven
#Epic Seven S.Iseria
#Epic Seven S.Iseria Debut
#Epic Seven S.Iseria Build
#Epic Seven GwG
#epic seven gameplay
#epic seven mobile


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