Decker's Career CHALLENGE #16 Building a Workroom

Описание к видео Decker's Career CHALLENGE #16 Building a Workroom

Decker's taking the seriously! She's building a room where she cna cook and build and MAKE THOSE BELLS!!

This is the Career Challenge, and Decker is ready! As ready as she will ever be, anyway.

The Career Challenge RULES!!!

Your careers;

Bug Catcher (posh word pending)
Home Designer

1 - you can't sell ANY materials
2 - you can only sell things you've crafted - tools, furniture, recepies etc
3 - you can only sell fish to CJ and bugs to Flick - sea creatures? Throw them back! Weeds? sell to Lief!
4 - you can sell turnips to Nooks Cranny, but ONLY your own! No island hopping
5 - you can exchange poki for bells
6 - NO TIME TRAVEL! Just to be annoying
7 - shells and ballon drops - you help me decided with that one!

Enjoy me struggling with this one!


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