Шашки Draughts. Match. International Grandmaster Andrei Valiuk vs International Master Artem Ageikin

Описание к видео Шашки Draughts. Match. International Grandmaster Andrei Valiuk vs International Master Artem Ageikin

Посмотреть картины Виктории Валюк (супруги чемпиона мира Андрея Валюка) на сайте https://artvaluk.wordpress.com/
Draughts. Match. International Grandmaster Andrei Valiuk vs International Master Artem Ageikin.
Music - Symphony No. 5 (by Beethoven)
How they play draughts. Training. The game in draughts.

Video was recorded with the support of Michael Semeniuk.

Video was presented to this channel by Andrei Valuk.

Video was edited and introduced by Victoria Valuk.

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