Anal Fistula:What is it like to live with it?|Effective Treatment-Dr.Rajasekhar M R| Doctors’ Circle

Описание к видео Anal Fistula:What is it like to live with it?|Effective Treatment-Dr.Rajasekhar M R| Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Rajasekhar M R | Appointment booking number: 74060 59933
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Proctologist|Chirag Hospital JP Nagar 2 Phase, Bangalore
Fistulas are usually caused by infection in the anal glands which will cause problems in a later stage. Initially there will be an infection and later there will be an abscess an later it will be a sinus and extends to tracts and if the pus opens out through small holes and the pus starts coming out, it is called as fistulas. So fistulas are infection in the anal glands between the 2 sphincters controlling our motions. So when there is infection these problems will occur and if the abscess are very big, they can be life threatening and has to be drained as easily as possible and there are complications that has to be tacked, chronic Fistula may not be life threatening or dangerous, but it is a cumbersome disease for the patient because it will not go away with medication, they require surgeries and most of the fistulas can be cleared surgically and with the advent of modern gadgets, it has improved the efficiency of clearing the fistulas with lesser damage to the structure and faster healing rates, the only issues with Fistula is if they become complex fistulas with high levels of extension with multiple tract, the chance of recurrence after doing surgery will go so the earlier we treat, the earlier the symptoms, the better is the treatment and better is the outcome. So a better abscess has to be treated to get rid of the disease than to get relief from the disease.


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