Praznovanje ob 70. obletnici AK Ptuj in Dnevu slovenskih letalcev ⎮ Letališče Moškanjci, 08.06.2024

Описание к видео Praznovanje ob 70. obletnici AK Ptuj in Dnevu slovenskih letalcev ⎮ Letališče Moškanjci, 08.06.2024

Celebration of my aeroclub Ptuj's 70th anniversary and the Slovenian Aviators Day was done in style! :) We enjoyed amazing performance by Slovenian airforce, several clubs and individuals with their private powered aircraft and gliders, R/C scale models and parachuters. A super nice event that could not happen without our committed club members, visiting pilots who gave their great performances for all of us to enjoy, Slovenian Armed Forces that enriched our programme with super attractive displays, Firefighters that took care of safety, local municipalities that support our operations since ever and all the spectators that came and celebrated with us! Here is to another 70 years! ⎮ ©2024 FESP Luka Hojnik Photography ⎮ Camera & Edit: Luka Hojnik ⎮ POV camera: Darko Valenko ⎮ Music: Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Learning To Fly


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