Einar Selvik - Ragnar Lothbrok's Death Song (Read the title before see it. It can be spoiler for U)

Описание к видео Einar Selvik - Ragnar Lothbrok's Death Song (Read the title before see it. It can be spoiler for U)

Normally the title of the video describes its content. In this case it is also like that. It's very clear: "Ragnar Lothbrok's Death Song". Don't whine after seeing it completely, saying: it's spoliler


Eigi hugðak orma
at aldrlagi mínu;
verðr mjök mörgu sinni
þats minnst varir sjálfan

Nú munk nár af bragði
ok nær dýrum deyja

Gnyðja mundu grísir
ef galtar hag vissi
mér er gnótt at grandi
grafa inn rönum sínum
ok harðliga hváta
hafa mik sogit, ormar
nú munk nár af bragði
ok nær dýrum deyja

I did not look to a snake
to be my bane
things happen very often to one
that one thinks of the least.

Soon now will my body
die among the beasts.

The young pigs would squeal
if they knew the state of the boar
of the injury done to me
Snakes dig in my flesh
stab at me harshly
and have sucked on me
soon now will my body
die among the beasts


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