Shiva Purana |Chapter 17 - The friendship of Śhiva and Kubera

Описание к видео Shiva Purana |Chapter 17 - The friendship of Śhiva and Kubera

In this narrative, Brahmā recounts a story from the Pādma Kalpa about Kubera, the Lord of Wealth, and his devotion to Lord Shiva. Kubera, originally named Vaiśravaṇa, performed intense penance to gain Shiva’s favor and was granted the divine city of Alakā. As cosmic time shifted to the *Meghavāhana Kalpa*, a new devotee, Śrīda, son of Yajñadatta, sought Shiva’s grace by performing severe austerities at Kāśī, the sacred city.

Śrīda’s penance involved chanting mantras and focusing his thoughts on Shiva, which he sustained for 200,000 years. Impressed, Shiva appeared with Goddess Pārvatī and offered him a boon. Śrīda, in awe of their divine presence, asked only for the ability to see Shiva’s feet. Shiva granted him this vision, but when Śrīda beheld the radiant beauty of Pārvatī, his left eye burst from the overwhelming intensity.

Pārvatī, concerned, asked Shiva about this, and Shiva revealed that Śrīda was destined to be her spiritual son. He then named Śrīda “Ekapiṅga” for his scarred eye and “Kubera” due to his imperfect form. As a reward for his devotion, Shiva made Kubera the lord of wealth, Yakṣas, Kinnaras, and Guhyakas, and promised to remain close to him, dwelling near his city of Alakā on Mount Kailāsa.

Thus, Kubera became the guardian of treasures, a symbol of unyielding devotion, and a testament to the blessings that come from sincere worship. The story highlights themes of penance, divine grace, and the transformative power of devotion.


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