Lincoln Minerals Unveils PFS Results for Kookaburra Graphite Project

Описание к видео Lincoln Minerals Unveils PFS Results for Kookaburra Graphite Project

Shae Russell speaks with Lincoln Minerals (ASX:LML) CEO Jonathon Trewartha at IMARC about the recently released Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) for the Kookaburra Graphite Project in South Australia.

The study highlights an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 41%, a Net Present Value (NPV) of $114 million, and a low start-up capital of $29 million, indicating the project is positioned to be cash flow positive across various market conditions.

Trewartha discusses the company’s unique “SpaceX approach” to feasibility studies, which allowed for efficient and rapid project design.

With a decision to mine expected next year and potential production by 2026, Lincoln Minerals is advancing toward its goal of becoming Australia’s first graphite producer.

🔑 Key Topics Covered:
Economic highlights of the Kookaburra Graphite PFS
The strategic approach to project design and optimization
Project timelines and future milestones

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