Calder Divide Trail Challenge - 2022

Описание к видео Calder Divide Trail Challenge - 2022

Hi all,

This is a slightly different video than my usual style. I didn't quite plan to film, but the footage I got was actually more than enough to put together my experience of the new Calder Divide Trail.

I went into this thinking it would be pretty easy going, I was so wrong! Whilst there were people that passed me and got to camp before in the daylight, but I still pushed hard (and slower) to get as much as possible done.

Jake and I set off in the mindset to do it in one, things changed but still managed to get 219km done, which was great training for the Bear Bones 200 in a few weeks. I attended the CD after I had C*v*d shortly before. After many negative tests and some time back at work, it was time to test what I could do after this setback.

This was the first year of the Calder Divide - I will be back. Thank you to all the organisers - they did a stellar job.

🍕If you enjoyed the film, you can now buy me a slice of pizza to show your support! 🍕



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