Bokeh. A definitive guide to some of the most fascinating effects in photography.

Описание к видео Bokeh. A definitive guide to some of the most fascinating effects in photography.

This video is a comprehensive study of bokeh – and the main ingredients that go into producing good (and bad) bokeh in photographs. With tests and demonstrations using many different vintage lenses.

It’s based on many years of observing how different lenses produce different styles of bokeh. And it brings together many different factors that influence how bokeh looks in any given scene. My overall conclusion is that producing a great bokeh photo involves so much more than using the best/fastest lens.

I cover a lot of ground, so if you’d prefer to go to specific parts of the discussion, here subject time links:

00:00 Introduction
03:18 A look at different optical lens designs
10:41 How sensor sizes impact bokeh
12:42 The importance of composition and light
15:56 Depth of field and minimum focus distances
20:29 In-to-out of focus transitions
21:58 Wide open bokeh – different lenses, different bubbles
27:32 Stopping down – impact of aperture blades
34:23 Coatings and the rendering of blur
40:14 Post processing
44:00 Conclusions on the main ingredients of bokeh

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