R.Lalbiaksanga - Aw Isu min kai ang che

Описание к видео R.Lalbiaksanga - Aw Isu min kai ang che

Kum 2017 February thla ah Nasopharynx Cancer ka ni tih hriat chhuah ani a, March atangin May (thla thum chhung) treatment ka la a. Vawi 30 Radiation leh Chemo (12 cycle) therapy ka la a. Chumi ka lak zawh dawn lam, a vawi 25-na min hem velah chuan, ka ka chhung infection nasa tak avangin ka bei a dawng em em a, chil ka lem in ka mittui a tla a, chil ka chhak in ka chil a hnang a ka mittui a tla thova, ka taksa zawng zawng pawh a na a, thih mai ka in ring ta a, zan dar 10 vel ani a, Hospital corridor ah exercise ka la a, chumi lai chuan ka bei a dawng zual hle mai a, "Lalpa i awm ta lovem ni" tiin mittui tla zawih zawih in ka tawng tai a.

Chuta ka beidawn chu ka taksa in umzui nghal in ka chau ta ngawih ngawih mai a, room pawh chu ka thleng phei hlei thei tawh lova. Engtin tin emaw ka khumah chuan ka lawn kai thei hram a, Ka chilthli chu a tla nuaih mai a, ka zun chhuak pawh chu zung thei lovin khumah chuan ka cheh ta ringot a. Thi turin ka in buatsaih chu ani ber mai.

Chutiang chuan hun eng chen nge liam ka hre thei ta lova, thawk leh khatah van angel zai ri nimai in ka hria a. Aw mawi leh lian , muang fan raih mai hian he hla hi an rawn sa ruih ruih mai a. Zaipawl hian an rawn zai pui bawk a, a mawi em em mai a, chu chuan min rawn kai harh ta a. Aw Isu min kai ang che tiin beiseina thar ka nei ta ani.

He video ah hian, van zai ang thei ber, ka hriat thiam dan in kan sa a, mahse van zai ri chu engti kawng mah in a ang pha dawn lo ani. A hla hi a sei dawn avang in chang 1 & 2 leh 3 & 4 kan kawp ta ringawt mai a. Min hriatthiam kan beisei e.

I was diagnosed with Nasopharynx Cancer on February 2017.
I started taking my chemo( 12 cycles ) and radiation(30) therapy for 3 months.
By the end of my treatment infections in my mouth caused so much pain I began to lose hope,
I couldn't swallow or spit without suffering from the pain, I began to think I was slowly dying.
It was around 10pm while I was doing some light exercise in the corridor that a sense of despair fell upon me making me question if God had abandoned me

My body could not handle from both the mental and physical pain I was suffering,
I could barely reach my room, I some how managed to get onto my bed,
I lost control of my body, I was drooling everywhere and could not hold my bladder anymore,
I was ready to die right there.

I couldn't remember how much time had passed by as i lay there,
but just then, i heard a voice from heaven, a melodious and majestic voice,
the heavenly choir singing to me, Lord guide/light the way for me
this gave me hope when hope no longer seemed to be with me.

I tried to copy and imitate the heavenly voices as best I could in this video,
but never will the voice from man will ever be able to be as majestic and beautiful and the heavenly voices.


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