Advance Practical PHP | SQL (Insert, Update, Delete) - video

Описание к видео Advance Practical PHP | SQL (Insert, Update, Delete) - video

On this video, we will add a security measure by putting a condition to compare the script name with a value of the script name. The “FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING” filter strips tags and HTML-encode double and single quotes, optionally strip or encode special characters.

Encoding quotes can be disabled by setting.

The “FILTER_SANITIZE_INT” filter removes all characters except digits, plus and minus sign. The “FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL” filter removes all characters except letters, digits and !#$%&'*+-=?^_`{|}~@.[].

Go to to get started - Manual.
Learn what PHP is, what it can do, and how to write your first PHP-enabled page. Find out what you need, how to deal with forms, and what's next in the PHP tutorial.


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