Post Falls City Council Meeting - May 18, 2021

Описание к видео Post Falls City Council Meeting - May 18, 2021

AGENDA: CEREMONIES, ANNOUNCEMENTS, APPOINTMENTS, PRESENTATION: a. Proclamation – Mental Health Awareness Month b. Requesting the Approval of Angela Snyder Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Commission – ACTION ITEM c. Facilities Study Update AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA DECLARATION OF CONFLICT, EX-PARTE CONTACTS AND SITE VISITS 1. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS: a. Minutes – May 4, 2021 City Council Meeting b. Payables – April 27, 2021 – May 10, 2021 c. Frontage Improvement Waiver Request for 502 E. 16th Avenue d. Acceptance of Grant for the Centennial Trail Bridge Maintenance e. Acceptance of Grants of Right-of-way and Easement Along Horsehaven from Giant Mini Storage f. Site Development and Access Agreement for Giant Mini Storage g. Receive Planning Commission Resolution Finding the Proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan h. Receive the Planning Commission Resolution Finding the Proposed Pleasant View Urban Renewal Plan Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan i. Land Application Annexation Agreement and the Dedication of Rights-of-Way and Easement 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS ACTION ITEMS: a. Greensferry Glenn Annexation b. Lassan Annexation 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS/RETURNING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ACTION ITEMS: a. Ordinance – FY2021 Budget Amendment b. Ordinance – Land Application Annexation 4. NEW BUSINESS ACTION ITEMS: a. Request to License a Racoon b. Post Falls Food Bank Request Regarding Senior Center Land Lease 5. CITIZEN ISSUES 6. ADMINISTRATIVE / STAFF REPORTS (NOT ACTION ITEMS) a. Tertiary Project Update b. Limiting Future Public Hearings 7. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION ITEM (To enter into executive session only): a. Idaho Code 74-206(1)(f) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT Full meeting agenda is available on the City's website,


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