A great place to see the beautiful sunrise, tumpeng menoreh sunrise, indonesia

Описание к видео A great place to see the beautiful sunrise, tumpeng menoreh sunrise, indonesia

Hello happy people,
One of the beautiful spots to enjoy the sunrise in Yogyakarta is at Tumpeng Menoreh. It can be reached via the Magelang and Yogyakarta routes. We chose the The Yogyakarta route because the road access is better sloping and has wide roads.Tumpeng Menoreh is a restaurant in a hexagonal building and also open 24 hours. Apart from restaurants, Tumpeng Menoreh also provides accommodation such as villas and glamping. When the weather is clear and not too foggy, you can enjoy views of four mountains at once, namely Mount Merbabu, Merapi, Sindoro and Sumbing. Today we share with you the beauty of Tumpeng Menoreh sunrise.

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