Gabrieli Consort and Players perform Purcell's King Arthur

Описание к видео Gabrieli Consort and Players perform Purcell's King Arthur

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The Gabrieli Consort & Players are world-renowned interpreters of great vocal and instrumental repertoire from the Renaissance to the present day.

Over 35 years, the ensemble’s repertoire has expanded beyond the Baroque canon to include opera, virtuosic a cappella programs, and astonishing reconstructions of historic musical events in performances and recordings that surprise, challenge and inspire.

This performance of Purcell’s glorious semi-opera King Arthur is a new performing edition by Gabrieli’s Christopher Suckling and Artistic Director Paul McCreesh. King Arthur’s Britons battle the Saxons, supernatural characters step in, and enchanting music ripples with wit, tenderness and colour.

Led by Paul McCreesh, The Gabrieli Consort & Players respectfully illuminates Purcell’s genius with its acclaimed vitality. Its Melbourne Recital Centre performance sustains this great piece of art in the 21st century.

Henry Purcell
King Arthur

Aire 1:02
Minuett 1:58
Hornpipe 2:58
Scotch tune 4:04
Overture 5:03
Air 6:45

Act I
Woden, first to thee / We have sacrified 8:12
To Woden thanks we render 10:35
The lot is cast and Tanfan pleas’d 11:51
Brave souls to be renown’d in story 12:25
I call you all to Woden's hall 14:27
Come if you dare, our trumpets sound 16:25

Act II
Aire 19:39
Hither this way, this way bend 21:20
Let not a moon-born elf mislead ye 23:29
Hither this way, this way bend 24:45
Come follow, follow, follow me 25:20
We brethren of air, you heros will bear 26:33
How blest are shepherds, how happy their lasses 27:35
Shepherd, shepherd leave decoying 33:06
Come, shepherds, lead up a lively measure 35:05
Rondeau 36:34

What ho! thou genius of this isle 37:27
What power art thou, who from below, hast made me rise 38:54
Thou doting fool, forbear, forbear 41:19
Great Love, I know thee now 42:07
No part of my dominion shall be waste 43:05
See, see we assemble thy revels to hold 44:02
Tis I, tis I, tis I, that have warmed ye 46:38
Sound a parley, ye fair, and surrender 49:27
Tis love that has warm'd us 52:07
Aire 54:39

Act IV
Two daughters of this aged stream are we 57:21
Passacaglia : How happy the lover / For love ev'ry creature 1:00:28
You say, 'tis Love creates the pain 1:05:25
Hornpipe 1:10:45

Act V
Rondeau 1:11:15
Ye blust'ring brethren of the skies 1:17
Soft rune 1:15:00
Round thy coasts, fair nymph of Britain 1:17:11
For folded flocks, and fruitful plains 1:19:25
Your hay it is mow'd nad your corn is reap’d 1:22:20
Fairest isle, all isles excelling 1:22:54
Tune for trumpets 1:28:37
Sound Heroes, your brazen trumpets sound! 1:29:14
Let all rehearse in lofty verse 1:31:14
Sing, sing the glory ! Swell, swell the story 1:33:32
Chaconne 1:38:38


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