Le dernier combat de Mad Dog Vachon / Mad Dog Vachon's last match

Описание к видео Le dernier combat de Mad Dog Vachon / Mad Dog Vachon's last match


Ce combat a eu lieu le 13 octobre 1986 au centre Paul Sauvé. Mad Dog Vachon fesait équipe avec Jos Leduc dans ce combat contre Gilles the Fish Poisson et Man Moore tous deux gerer par le légendaire Eddie The Brain Creatchman. L'arbitre spécial pour ce combat est nul autre que le légendaire Killer Kowalski. A la fin Mad dog disait qu'il était contant de ce retirer en un seul morceau. Un ans plus tard il était happé par une voiture en fesant son jogging. Cet accident allait lui couté une jambe.

This match took place at the defunct Paul Sauvé Center on october 13 1986. Mad Dog was teaming with the legendary Jos Leduc and they were wrestling Gilles the Fish poisson and Man Moore both managed by the legendary Eddie The Brain Creatchman(He was a legend in the province of quebec and also worked for Sheik's Detroit territory). The special referee for that match was none other than Killer Kowalski. At the end of the match, Mad dog was saying how happy he was to retire in one peice refering to guys like Don Leo Jonathan who was confined to a wheel chair for the rest of his life. Unfortunatly for Vachon, one year later he was hit by a car while jogging and eventualy lost a leg.


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